Actually, there are no regular classes except classes et request or private classes.
Youd do not want to share the class with other people? Do you have a group of friends and you are looking for a common entertainment? Our schedule does not fit to you? We will adapt the class following to your wishes e.g. timeline, programme and/or number of classes.
Private class is ready for those who are either just starting or are already experienced dancers. The programme is fully adapted according to your wishes and/or needs.
KAMILAH is actually engaged mainly in coaching of her own dance group Kamilah and of the festival dance group Orient Dream.
Then, she organizes workshops and projects with guest teachers and is fully engaged in preparations of the next festival edition ORIENT DREAM.
On top of that, she holds her own regular classes in Beroun. In Pilsen, she is certainly at disposition for classes at request and for private classes.